Sunday, April 20, 2008

Some things to be happy about!

Yeah, it is the end of the week and looking back, I realised that there are some things to be happy about and i'm just gonna share it here so that you can also share my joy. If you like, you can leave some notes here or sign up these free programs to experience it as well. :)

1. I have 2 new sign up under my Free Money Team. This is incredible to me though I have yet to reap the reward.

2. I have managed to squeeze in the top 25 surfers for TS25 Free Traffic Exchange last week. For that, I'm now part of the syndicate group and have my credits doubled for every page surfed! How about that? :)

3. I had a surprise breakfast interview with a Director of the world's largest reinsurer company last week. Even though i'm not going to pick up the job due to personal reason, but it is of great honour to be introduced to him by someone i respect.

4. My wife is due for delivery in mid-May and the last scan showed baby is growing healthy at 2.6kg. Most likely, she will hit 3.2kg when she sees us. My life will be filled with joy when that happens!

5. My blog has registered near 1500 hits till date. This is good considering it's barely 2 months old. I realised Entrecard is really wonderful when I understand the concept recently. You gonna try it!


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