I don't think I should hide this from anyone. Most surfers who frequent PTC sites should know of this site called FoxCash. I guess i'm a bit late cos they already have 36000 over memberships till date since the launch months back only. That's quite a feat if you ask me.
So, what's the pull? Most PTC sites pay $0.01 per click but for this FoxCash, it is paying $0.015 per click! The minimum payout is only $10.00 and it can be paid via Alertpay.
I have joined 2 days ago and have already earned a good $0.395. It's not much in dollar sense but considered a 2 day effort, it's quite a good sum there.
Join now and receive a $0.05 bonus.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Amazing PTC site - FoxCash
Posted by Boaz at 10:15 AM 1 comments
Labels: Make money online
Friday, May 16, 2008
New Motor Claims Framework - Rationale and clarification
The new MCF has raised a lot of questions among all insurers. Though there was discussion among the GIA committees since months back, but a lot of grey areas and doubts still lingered on the minds of insurers from what I heard.
However rough and tough the road ahead for implementing this measure, it seems to be one of the last straw for Monetary Authority of Singaore (MAS) and General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIAS) to implement it. The reason is simple: underwriting losses are simply not acceptable. The catalyst should be the S$103 million losses incurred in year 2007 by insurers which brought back sad memories of the year 2002.It doesn't help further by the known fact that many claims are inflated, be it proerty claim or bodily injury case. Take for example, you are involved in a minor accident and at the scene of the accident, both parties didn't suffer any visible damage on the vehicles and neither parties are injured. Weeks later, you received a writ of summon from the Third Party lawyer seeking compensation for S$5,000 repair cost and over S$10,000 in injury claims. Note, this is NOT uncommon.
Inflated claims translate to higher premiums. But, it is not fair and it is not right to insurers and consumers. Thus, the new MCF, if successful, should lower the severity of claims sustantially. Maybe by a good 30-40%.
So, let's keep our fingers cross and comply with the MCF for now. It's a win-win situation in the long run.
Last but not the least, I'll just reiterate on the non reporting implication. Your NCD will step down by 10% for each non-reporting accident. So, if you have 2 non-reporting accident in a policy year, your NCD will step down by 20%.
Posted by Boaz at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: accident, Motor Claims Framework
Monday, May 12, 2008
New Motor Claims Framework
If you have not heard of the new Motor Claims Framework (MCF) initiated by General Insurance Association of Singapore, I would advise you to lend me your ear for a while. This is because the new MCF will require some changes in accident reporting for all motorist.
This new ruling will commence with effect from 1st June 2008.
What are the requirements? Well, this new ruling requires all motorist to report to their insurer's approved reporting center (ARC) with their accident vehicle within 24hours or the next working day . This is irregardless whether or not the vehicle is damagd or whether or not there is any possible claim.
Now, failure to comply will result in insured losing part of his No Claim Discount (NCD) and prejudice their claim. How about that? The GIA termed this as non-reporting NCD.
So, if your NCD is 50% on now, on renewal, it will step down by 10%. As such, the renewal NCD will be 40% only. One thing to note is the accident NCD will apply first before the non reporting NCD. As such, if you have 50% NCD currently, and there is a at-fault claim against your policy, your NCD will become 20% on renewal. Due to the non-reporting, your NCD will drop further to 10% only.
So, if you do not want to jeopardize your claim or affect your NCD, the only way is to comply with the requirement. Do check with your respective insurers on the list of approved reporting centres. Most of the time, the insurer's authorised workshops are also the approved reporting centres.
If you are interested to find out more of the rationale behind this new MCF and more, watch this corner again!
Posted by Boaz at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: accident, Motor Claims Framework
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Only 5 car exhibitors for premier motor event, less than half that in 2006
Have you been there before? I like the stunt show and seeing all those high value models like Ferrari and Lamborghini displayed elegantly. However, this year, the absence of these exquisite marques will be greatly missed. Argh!
TWO years after major European brands pulled out of the Singapore Motorshow, the event is set to shrink further.
Only five car brands - Honda, Subaru, Nissan, Alfa Romeo and Fiat - have signed up for the show, long recognised as the premier automotive event here.
This is less than half the number at the 2006 show, which top European car brands such as BMW, Audi, Mercedes and Volkswagen chose to miss.
Of this year's exhibitors, only Honda, Nissan and Subaru are among the top 10 brands here in terms of sales.
Despite this, the show will go on, said the Motor Traders Association (MTA), which has been organising the biennial event since it began in 1992.
This year's show will also be held earlier - from Sept 26 to Oct 5 instead of its usual November slot - to coincide with the SingTel Singapore Grand Prix.
The race takes place on Sept 28 and the organisers hope the buzz it creates will lead to heightened interest in the show despite the smaller number of exhibitors.
Companies which are giving the show a miss say the returns from it are not worth the investment.
Said a Daimler executive: 'For us to do a proper show, we need to spend at least $1 million. We'd rather use the money for something more focused on our customers.'
His company, for example, marked the second anniversary of its Alexandra Road Mercedes-Benz brand centre with a $250,000 party for about 700 guests, who were treated to a fashion show and free-flowing champagne.
BMW has been holding similar events, including a theme party to showcase its 7-series privilege programme in Perth and a Clean Energy show-and-tell with hydrogen-powered cars.
But those who are sticking it out with the motor show beg to differ.
Mr Glenn Tan, chief executive of Subaru agent MotorImage, said the $500,000 he will fork out for the show is 'money well spent'.
'Each time, the crowd at our stand grows bigger,' he said.
However, figures show that the crowd at the 2006 show was much smaller than the one at the 2004 event: 115,000 compared to 150,000.
Exhibitors are banking on new elements to draw petrolheads this year. MotorImage, for instance, is doubling the pleasure for fans of a perennial favourite at the show, stunt driver Russ Swift.
This year, Mr Swift will perform with his son Paul.
'With all the hype about F1, we thought two cars performing in tandem will be more fun,' said Mr Tan.
Another star at this year's show will be the Rinspeed sQuba, the world's first working submarine car, inspired by James Bond's submersible Lotus in the 1977 movie The Spy Who Loved Me.
This year's show will be held at Suntec Singapore, but will occupy just one floor, down from the usual two.
By Christopher Tan, Senior Correspondent
Posted by Boaz at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: Motor Events
Thursday, May 1, 2008
1st May update - Labour day
Today is a holiday for me and many others. A day for me to relax and do some posting, surf paid-to-click sites and visit my favourite TS25 traffic exchange!
I've reached the 3rd month of blogging. Looking back, though I did not manage to earn hundreds yet, not to mention thousands, but I am still enjoying this road of discovery of many things that is new to me.
Till date, these are the sites I am consistently visiting and their earning report. I have to recommend Isabelmacro which has 15+ sites to click daily. If one can click faithfully without downline, it is possible to clock few dollars / month.
1. Adsense: $6.20
2. Adtoll: $1.22
3. Isabelmacro: $5.30
4. Clixsense: $1.64
5. buxto: $2.52
6. Hits4pay: $11.08
7. PropaidEmail: $50.76
8. E-mailPaysU: $10.445
9. TS25: No $$ earn but managed to get into the syndicate downline and the reward is good and interestingly challenging. It gives me lots of traffic credits to promote my PTCs above.
If you are interested in any of the above but in doubt, feel free to leave me a comment or simply try it out first as it's FREE after all.
Posted by Boaz at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Update